Uses of Class

Packages that use Component

Uses of Component in wheel

Subclasses of Component in wheel
 class ErrorPage
          Displays all unhandled exceptions if no error mapping or error page has been set in IEngine for the current request cycle.

Methods in wheel that return Component
 Component WheelException.getSource()

Constructors in wheel with parameters of type Component
WheelException(Component source)
WheelException(java.lang.String string, Component source)
WheelException(java.lang.String string, java.lang.Throwable throwable, Component source)
WheelException(java.lang.Throwable throwable, Component source)

Uses of Component in wheel.components

Subclasses of Component in wheel.components
 class Any
          This component can be used to present any tag that doesn't have any children nor content.
 class Block
          Block is an all-purpose component that is used whenever you need a component that holds other (html) components.
 class Checkbox
          Will render an <input type="checkbox"/> form element.
 class CheckboxGroup
          CheckboxGroup makes it possible to select objects with checkboxes from an ISelectModel.
 class DateInput
          A form element that can be used for handling Dates and Calendars.
 class FileInput
 class Form
          Represents an HTML form.
 class FormElement
          All components that want to handle form input should extend from this class.
 class Hidden
          Will render a <input type="hidden"/> tag.
 class Image
          Renders an <img/> tag.
 class JSONComponent
          Extending this component makes it relatively easty to produce JSON-stream from components.
 class Label
          Label is a component that is used whenever you need to output text.
 class Link
          Represents a link either to another page inside the application or to an external URL.
 class NumberInput
          A FormElement that knows how to handle numeric input.
 class Radio
          Renders <input type="radio"/>.
 class RadioGroup
          A form element that makes it possible to choose a single object from a collection of objects using radio buttons.
 class RenderableComponent
          Base class for all components that will render themselves as xhtml-tags.
 class Select
          A form element that makes it possible to choose a single object or multiple objects (using multiselect mode) from a collection of objects using the <select> element.
 class SelectModelFormElement
 class StandaloneComponent
          Defines the contract for complex components.
 class Submit
          Renders an <input type="submit"/> tag.
 class Table
          An XHTML-table that uses thead, tbody and tfoot.
 class TableBlock
          A special case of a Block component that is used internally inside a Table-component.
 class TableRow
          A component that represents a row in a table.
 class Text
          Almost identical to Label-component.
 class TextArea
          A form element that will render a <textarea> tag.
 class TextInput
          A form element that renders an <input type="text"/> tag.
 class XmlEntityRef

Methods in wheel.components that return Component
 Component ComponentCreator.a()
 Component Component.a()
 Component ComponentCreator.a(java.lang.Object text)
 Component Component.a(java.lang.Object text)
 Component ComponentCreator.abbr()
 Component Component.abbr()
 Component ComponentCreator.abbr(java.lang.Object text)
 Component Component.abbr(java.lang.Object text)
 Component ComponentCreator.acronym()
 Component Component.acronym()
 Component ComponentCreator.acronym(java.lang.Object text)
 Component Component.acronym(java.lang.Object text)
 Component Component.actionBinding(ActionExpression actionExpression)
 Component Component.actionBinding(java.lang.String actionExpression)
 Component Component.add(Component component)
          Adds the given component to the component tree.
 Component Component.addFirst(Component component)
 Component RenderableComponent.addRenderAfter(RenderableComponent renderable)
          All renderables added y calling this method will be rendered after the component itself but the renderables will not be added to the component tree.
 Component RenderableComponent.addRenderBefore(RenderableComponent renderable)
          All renderables added y calling this method will be rendered before the component itself but the renderables will not be added to the component tree.
 Component ComponentCreator.address()
 Component Component.address()
 Component ComponentCreator.address(java.lang.Object text)
 Component Component.address(java.lang.Object text)
 Component ComponentCreator.area(java.lang.String... attributes)
 Component Component.area(java.lang.String... attributes)
 Component Component.attribute(java.lang.String name, java.lang.CharSequence value)
          Adds an xhtml-attribute to the component.
 Component Component.attributes(java.lang.String... attributes)
          Has the same functionality as addAsset(String fileUri) but uses varargs to enable adding multitple attributes at once.
 Component ComponentCreator.b()
 Component Component.b()
 Component ComponentCreator.b(java.lang.Object text)
 Component Component.b(java.lang.Object text)
          Adds a Label-component to the component tree, sets rendering hint to "b" and returns it.
 Component ComponentCreator.base(java.lang.CharSequence href)
 Component Component.base(java.lang.CharSequence href)
 Component ComponentCreator.bdo(java.lang.CharSequence dir)
 Component Component.bdo(java.lang.CharSequence dir)
 Component ComponentCreator.big()
 Component Component.big()
 Component ComponentCreator.big(java.lang.Object text)
 Component Component.big(java.lang.Object text)
 Component ComponentCreator.block(java.lang.CharSequence renderHint)
 Component ComponentCreator.blockquote()
 Component Component.blockquote()
          Adds an Any-component to the component tree, sets rendring hint to "br" and returns it.
 Component ComponentCreator.button()
 Component Component.button()
 Component Table.caption()
 Component ComponentCreator.caption()
 Component Component.caption()
 Component ComponentCreator.cite()
 Component Component.cite()
 Component ComponentCreator.cite(java.lang.Object text)
 Component Component.cite(java.lang.Object text)
 Component Component.clasS(java.lang.CharSequence Class)
 Component ComponentCreator.col()
 Component Component.col()
          Adds a col-element to a surrounding TableBlock-component.
 Component ComponentCreator.colgroup()
 Component Component.colgroup()
          Adds a colgroup-element to a surrounding Table-component.
 Component ComponentCreator.dd()
 Component Component.dd()
          Adds a Block-component to the component tree, sets rendering hint to "dd" and returns it.
 Component ComponentCreator.dd(java.lang.Object text)
 Component Component.dd(java.lang.Object text)
 Component ComponentCreator.del()
 Component Component.del()
 Component ComponentCreator.del(java.lang.Object text)
 Component Component.del(java.lang.Object text)
 Component ComponentCreator.dfn()
 Component Component.dfn()
 Component ComponentCreator.dfn(java.lang.Object text)
 Component Component.dfn(java.lang.Object text)
 Component ComponentCreator.div()
 Component Component.div()
          Adds a Block-component to the component tree, sets rendering hint to "div" and returns it.
 Component ComponentCreator.dl()
 Component Component.dl()
          Adds a Block-component to the component tree, sets rendering hint to "dl" and returns it.
 Component ComponentCreator.dt()
 Component Component.dt()
          Adds a Block-component to the component tree, sets rendering hint to "dt" and returns it.
 Component ComponentCreator.dt(java.lang.Object text)
 Component Component.dt(java.lang.Object text)
 Component ComponentCreator.em()
 Component Component.em()
 Component ComponentCreator.em(java.lang.Object text)
 Component Component.em(java.lang.Object text)
 Component Component.entity(java.lang.String name)
          Adds an XmlEntityRef-component to the component tree and returns it.
 Component ComponentCreator.fieldset()
 Component Component.fieldset()
          Adds a Block-component to the component tree, sets rendering hint to "fieldset" and returns it.
 Component Component.find(java.lang.String componentId)
          Finds a component with the given component id.
 Component Component.form(java.lang.String formId)
 Component Component.form(java.lang.String formId, ActionExpression action)
          Adds a Form-component to the component tree and returns it.
 Component ComponentCreator.frame(java.lang.CharSequence src)
 Component Component.frame(java.lang.CharSequence src)
 Component ComponentCreator.frameset()
 Component Component.frameset()
 Component Component.get(java.lang.String componentId)
          Returns the component with the given component id.
 Component Component.getParent()
          Returns the parent for this component.
 Component ValidationError.getSource()
          Returns the component that caused this error.
 Component ActionExpression.getUpdateTarget()
 Component ComponentCreator.h1()
 Component Component.h1()
          Adds a Block-component to the component tree, sets rendering hint to "h1" and returns it.
 Component ComponentCreator.h1(java.lang.Object text)
 Component Component.h1(java.lang.Object text)
          Adds a Label-component to the component tree, sets redering hint to "h1" and returns it.
 Component ComponentCreator.h2()
 Component Component.h2()
          Adds a Block-component to the component tree, sets rendering hint to "h2" and returns it.
 Component ComponentCreator.h2(java.lang.Object text)
 Component Component.h2(java.lang.Object text)
          Adds a Label-component to the component tree, sets redering hint to "h2" and returns it.
 Component ComponentCreator.h3()
 Component Component.h3()
          Adds a Block-component to the component tree, sets rendering hint to "h3" and returns it.
 Component ComponentCreator.h3(java.lang.Object text)
 Component Component.h3(java.lang.Object text)
          Adds a Label-component to the component tree, sets redering hint to "h3" and returns it.
 Component ComponentCreator.h4()
 Component Component.h4()
          Adds a Block-component to the component tree, sets rendering hint to "h4" and returns it.
 Component ComponentCreator.h4(java.lang.Object text)
 Component Component.h4(java.lang.Object text)
          Adds a Label-component to the component tree, sets redering hint to "h4" and returns it.
 Component ComponentCreator.h5()
 Component Component.h5()
          Adds a Block-component to the component tree, sets rendering hint to "h5" and returns it.
 Component ComponentCreator.h5(java.lang.Object text)
 Component Component.h5(java.lang.Object text)
          Adds a Label-component to the component tree, sets redering hint to "h5" and returns it.
 Component ComponentCreator.h6()
 Component Component.h6()
          Adds a Block-component to the component tree, sets rendering hint to "h6" and returns it.
 Component ComponentCreator.h6(java.lang.Object text)
 Component Component.h6(java.lang.Object text)
          Adds a Label-component to the component tree, sets redering hint to "h6" and returns it.
 Component Component.head()
          Adds an Any-component to the component tree, sets rendering hint to "hr" and returns it.
 Component Component.htmlText(java.lang.Object htmlText)
          Adds a Text-component to the component tree and sets it in html-mode.
 Component ComponentCreator.i()
 Component Component.i()
 Component ComponentCreator.i(java.lang.Object text)
 Component Component.i(java.lang.Object text)
          Adds a Label-component to the component tree, sets rendering hint to "i" and returns it.
 Component componentId)
          Changes the componentId.
 Component ComponentCreator.iframe()
 Component Component.iframe()
 Component ComponentCreator.img(java.lang.CharSequence url, java.lang.CharSequence alt)
 Component Component.img(java.lang.String url, java.lang.String alt)
          Adds an Image-component to the component tree and returns it.
 Component ComponentCreator.ins()
 Component Component.ins()
 Component ComponentCreator.ins(java.lang.Object text)
 Component Component.ins(java.lang.Object text)
 Component ComponentCreator.kbd()
 Component Component.kbd()
 Component ComponentCreator.kdb(java.lang.Object text)
 Component Component.kdb(java.lang.Object text)
 Component ComponentCreator.label()
 Component Component.label()
 Component ComponentCreator.label(java.lang.Object text)
 Component Component.label(java.lang.Object text)
 Component ComponentCreator.legend()
 Component Component.legend()
 Component ComponentCreator.legend(java.lang.Object text)
 Component Component.legend(java.lang.Object text)
          Adds a Block-component to the component tree, sets rendering hint to "li" and returns it.
 Component text)
 Component text)
 Component text)
 Component id)
 Component id)
 Component ComponentCreator.meta()
 Component Component.meta()
 Component Component.nbsp()
          Adds a non-breaking-space to the component tree.
 Component ComponentCreator.noframes()
 Component Component.noframes()
 Component ComponentCreator.noscript()
 Component Component.noscript()
 Component ComponentCreator.object()
 Component Component.object()
 Component ComponentCreator.ol()
 Component Component.ol()
          Adds a Block-component to the component tree, sets rendering hint to "ol" and returns it.
 Component ComponentCreator.p()
 Component Component.p()
          Adds a Block-component to the component tree, sets rendering hint to "p" and returns it.
 Component ComponentCreator.p(java.lang.Object text)
 Component Component.p(java.lang.Object text)
          Adds a Label-component to the component tree, sets rendering hint to "p" and returns it.
 Component ComponentCreator.param(java.lang.CharSequence name)
 Component Component.param(java.lang.CharSequence name)
 Component ComponentCreator.pre()
 Component Component.pre()
 Component ComponentCreator.pre(java.lang.Object text)
 Component Component.pre(java.lang.Object text)
 Component ComponentCreator.q()
 Component Component.q()
 Component ComponentCreator.q(java.lang.Object text)
 Component Component.q(java.lang.Object text)
 Component Component.rawText(java.lang.Object rawText)
          Adds a Text-component to the component tree and sets it in cdata-mode causing all the text to be rendered inside a CDATA-section.
 Component Component.remove(Component component)
          Removes a component from the list of children for this componnent.
 Component Component.remove(java.lang.String componentId)
          Removes a component with the given component id from the list of children for this component.
 Component Component.renderHint(java.lang.CharSequence renderHint)
          Adds a rendering hint to this component.
 Component Component.requestFocus()
          Request focus for this component on the browser.
 Component ComponentCreator.s()
 Component Component.s()
 Component ComponentCreator.s(java.lang.Object text)
 Component Component.s(java.lang.Object text)
 Component ComponentCreator.samp()
 Component Component.samp()
 Component ComponentCreator.samp(java.lang.Object text)
 Component Component.samp(java.lang.Object text)
 Component ComponentCreator.script()
 Component Component.script()
 Component ComponentCreator.small()
 Component Component.small()
 Component ComponentCreator.small(java.lang.Object text)
 Component Component.small(java.lang.Object text)
 Component ComponentCreator.span()
 Component Component.span()
          Adds a Block-component to the component tree, sets rendering hint to "span" and returns it.
 Component ComponentCreator.span(java.lang.Object text)
 Component Component.span(java.lang.Object text)
          Adds a Label-component to the component tree, sets rendering hint to "p" and returns it.
 Component ComponentCreator.strike()
 Component Component.strike()
 Component ComponentCreator.strike(java.lang.Object text)
 Component Component.strike(java.lang.Object text)
 Component ComponentCreator.strong()
 Component Component.strong()
 Component ComponentCreator.strong(java.lang.Object text)
 Component Component.strong(java.lang.Object text)
 Component ComponentCreator.sub()
 Component Component.sub()
 Component ComponentCreator.sub(java.lang.Object text)
 Component Component.sub(java.lang.Object text)
 Component ComponentCreator.sup()
 Component Component.sup()
 Component ComponentCreator.sup(java.lang.Object text)
 Component Component.sup(java.lang.Object text)
 Component Component.table()
          Adds a Table-component to the component tree and returns it.
 Component ComponentCreator.tbody()
 Component Component.tbody()
          Adds a tbody-element to a surrounding Table-component.
          Adds a td-element (a column) the a surrounding TableBlock-element.
 Component Component.text(java.lang.Object textS)
          Adds a Text-component to the component tree and returns it.
 Component ComponentCreator.tfoot()
 Component Component.tfoot()
          Adds a tfoot-element to a surrounding Table-component.
          Adds a th-element (a header) the a surrounding TableBlock-element.
 Component ComponentCreator.thead()
 Component Component.thead()
          Adds a thead-element to a surrounding Table-component.
 Component Component.title(java.lang.String text)
          Adds a tr-element (a row) the a surrounding TableBlock-element.
 Component ComponentCreator.u()
 Component Component.u()
 Component ComponentCreator.u(java.lang.Object text)
 Component Component.u(java.lang.Object text)
 Component ComponentCreator.ul()
 Component Component.ul()
          Adds a Block-component to the component tree, sets rendering hint to "ul" and returns it.
 Component Component.up()
          Same as getParent().
 Component Component.up(int levels)
          Same as up(), but makes it possible to move more then one level upwards at a time.
 Component ComponentCreator.var()
 Component Component.var()
 Component ComponentCreator.var(java.lang.Object text)
 Component Component.var(java.lang.Object text)
 Component Component.wBlock(java.lang.CharSequence renderHint)
          Adds a Block-component to the component tree and returns it.
 Component Component.wrapSelf()

Methods in wheel.components that return types with arguments of type Component
 java.util.List<Component> Component._getChildren()
          Intended for internal use.
 java.util.List<Component> Component.findAll(ElExpression expression)
 java.util.Map<java.lang.String,Component> Component.getComponents()

Methods in wheel.components with parameters of type Component
 java.lang.String StandaloneComponent._generateComponentId(Component component)
          Generates a componentId for the given Component.
 Component Component.add(Component component)
          Adds the given component to the component tree.
 Component Component.addFirst(Component component)
 java.lang.Object ElExpression.eval(java.lang.Object context, Component component)
 Component Component.remove(Component component)
          Removes a component from the list of children for this componnent.
 void StandaloneComponent.setFocus(Component component)
          Sets the browser focus.
 ActionExpression ActionExpression.setOwner(Component owner)
 void context, Component component, java.lang.Object value)

Constructors in wheel.components with parameters of type Component
Any(Component parent, java.lang.CharSequence renderHint)
Component(Component parent)
          Minimum constructor for components that have a generated component id.
Component(Component parent, java.lang.String componentId)
          Creates a new component with the given parent component and the given component id.
Component(Component parent, java.lang.String componentId, java.lang.CharSequence renderHint)
          Creates a new component with the given parent component, given component id and given render hint.
ComponentCreator(Component forComponent)
FormElement(Component parent, java.lang.String formElementName)
Hidden(Component parent, java.lang.String name)
Label(Component parent, java.lang.Object text)
RenderableComponent(Component parent)
RenderableComponent(Component parent, java.lang.String componentId)
RenderableComponent(Component parent, java.lang.String componentId, java.lang.CharSequence renderHint)
SelectModelFormElement(Component parent, java.lang.String componentId, ISelectModel model, ElExpression binding)
StandaloneComponent(Component parent, java.lang.String componentId)
Submit(Component parent, java.lang.String name)
TextArea(Component parent, java.lang.String componentId)
ValidationError(java.lang.String message, Component source)

Uses of Component in wheel.persistence

Methods in wheel.persistence with parameters of type Component
 void SessionStore.evict(java.lang.String key, java.lang.String page, Component component, Scope scope)
 void IObjectStore.evict(java.lang.String key, java.lang.String page, Component component, Scope scope)
 java.lang.Object SessionStore.get(java.lang.String key, java.lang.String page, java.lang.Class clazz, Component component, Scope scope)
 java.lang.Object IObjectStore.get(java.lang.String key, java.lang.String page, java.lang.Class clazz, Component component, Scope scope)
 void SessionStore.put(java.lang.String key, java.lang.String page, java.lang.Object object, Scope scope, Component component)
 void IObjectStore.put(java.lang.String key, java.lang.String page, java.lang.Object object, Scope scope, Component component)
 void SessionStore.putDefaultValue(java.lang.String key, java.lang.String page, java.lang.Object object, Scope scope, Component component)
 void IObjectStore.putDefaultValue(java.lang.String key, java.lang.String page, java.lang.Object object, Scope scope, Component component)

Uses of Component in wheel.testing

Subclasses of Component in wheel.testing
 class MockPage

Uses of Component in wheel.util

Methods in wheel.util that return Component
 Component DynamicSelectModel.getComponent()
 Component ComponentStore.getComponent(java.lang.String componentId)

Methods in wheel.util with parameters of type Component
 void ComponentStore.addComponent(Component component)
 void DynamicSelectModel.setComponent(Component component)

Constructors in wheel.util with parameters of type Component
WrappedException(java.lang.Throwable throwable, Component source)

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