Class SelectModelFormElement

  extended by wheel.components.Component
      extended by wheel.components.RenderableComponent
          extended by wheel.components.FormElement
              extended by wheel.components.SelectModelFormElement
All Implemented Interfaces:
IBuildableComponent, IContainer
Direct Known Subclasses:
CheckboxGroup, RadioGroup, Select

public abstract class SelectModelFormElement
extends FormElement
implements IBuildableComponent

Field Summary
protected  ISelectModel model
Fields inherited from class wheel.components.FormElement
genericFieldErrorMessage, value
Constructor Summary
protected SelectModelFormElement(Component parent, java.lang.String componentId, ISelectModel model, ElExpression binding)
Method Summary
 boolean _isBuilt()
 void _setBuilt(boolean built)
protected  boolean enhance(RenderableComponent component, boolean selected, int index)
 void postBuild()
          Called after buildComponent().
 void preBuild()
          Called before buildComponent().
Methods inherited from class wheel.components.FormElement
_clear, _getSubmitValue, _getSubmitValues, _render, _setSubmitValue, addValidationError, defaultDomEvent, fieldBinding, getBinding, getErrors, getFormElementName, initialFieldValue, initialFieldValue, isEmpty, isInt, isValid, label, required, setBinding, setFormElementName, validate, validationRule, validationRule, value
Methods inherited from class wheel.components.RenderableComponent
_classReferenceFromHints, _getRenderAfterMe, _getRenderBeforeMe, _renderActions, _renderClassReferenceFromHints, _renderTagStart, _renderXhtmlAttributes, addRenderAfter, addRenderBefore, config, defaultTagName, getTagName, renderComponent, toString
Methods inherited from class wheel.components.Component
_applyFormat, _getAction, _getActions, _getChildren, _getForm, _getRenderableChildren, _getRenderHints, _getTopLevelComponent, _getVisibleForm, _getXhtmlAttributes, _isGeneratedId, _setComponentId, _setGeneratedId, _wrapComponentId, a, a, abbr, abbr, acronym, acronym, action, actionBinding, actionBinding, add, addFirst, address, address, afterAdd, area, attribute, attributes, b, b, base, bdo, big, big, blockquote, br, button, caption, checkbox, checkboxGroup, cite, cite, clasS, col, colgroup, create, dateInput, dd, dd, del, del, dfn, dfn, div, dl, dt, dt, el, em, em, encode, entity, equals, eval, fieldset, fileInput, fileInput, find, findAll, form, form, frame, frameset, get, getComponentId, getComponentName, getComponents, getEngine, getPage, getParent, h1, h1, h2, h2, h3, h3, h4, h4, h5, h5, h6, h6, hashCode, head, hidden, hr, htmlText, i, i, id, iframe, img, ins, ins, kbd, kdb, label, label, legend, legend, li, li, link, link, map, message, message, meta, multiSelect, nbsp, noframes, noscript, numberInput, numberInput, object, ol, p, p, param, placeholder, pre, pre, q, q, radio, radioGroup, rawText, remove, remove, renderHint, requestFocus, s, s, samp, samp, script, select, selectModel, small, small, span, span, strike, strike, strong, strong, style, sub, sub, submit, sup, sup, table, tbody, td, text, textarea, textInput, tfoot, th, thead, title, tr, u, u, ul, up, up, var, var, wBlock, wrapSelf
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface wheel.components.IBuildableComponent

Field Detail


protected ISelectModel model
Constructor Detail


protected SelectModelFormElement(Component parent,
                                 java.lang.String componentId,
                                 ISelectModel model,
                                 ElExpression binding)
Method Detail


protected boolean enhance(RenderableComponent component,
                          boolean selected,
                          int index)


public void preBuild()
Description copied from interface: IBuildableComponent
Called before buildComponent().

Specified by:
preBuild in interface IBuildableComponent


public void postBuild()
Description copied from interface: IBuildableComponent
Called after buildComponent(). Useful for cleaning up resources after buildComponent() and possibly doing some modifications on the component tree before rendering.

Specified by:
postBuild in interface IBuildableComponent


public boolean _isBuilt()
Specified by:
_isBuilt in interface IBuildableComponent


public void _setBuilt(boolean built)
Specified by:
_setBuilt in interface IBuildableComponent

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