Class DateInput

  extended by wheel.components.Component
      extended by wheel.components.RenderableComponent
          extended by wheel.components.FormElement
              extended by wheel.components.DateInput

public class DateInput
extends FormElement

A form element that can be used for handling Dates and Calendars. Uses java.text.SimpleDateFormat internally to convert from String expressions to Date/Calendar instances. The date pattern must use the same syntax as described in SimpleDateFormat.

Henri Frilund
See Also:

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class wheel.components.FormElement
genericFieldErrorMessage, value
Method Summary
 java.lang.String _applyFormat(java.lang.Object value)
          By overriding this method, its possible to apply some formatting to MVEL-evaluations in the eval() method.
 void _setSubmitValue(java.lang.String[] value)
          Sets the value retrieved from a form submit for this element.
 java.lang.String defaultTagName()
          Subclasses must implement this.
 void renderComponent(org.xmlpull.v1.XmlSerializer serializer)
          Default implementation that will render all renderable child components that this component has.
Methods inherited from class wheel.components.FormElement
_clear, _getSubmitValue, _getSubmitValues, _render, addValidationError, defaultDomEvent, fieldBinding, getBinding, getErrors, getFormElementName, initialFieldValue, initialFieldValue, isEmpty, isInt, isValid, label, required, setBinding, setFormElementName, validate, validationRule, validationRule, value
Methods inherited from class wheel.components.RenderableComponent
_classReferenceFromHints, _getRenderAfterMe, _getRenderBeforeMe, _renderActions, _renderClassReferenceFromHints, _renderTagStart, _renderXhtmlAttributes, addRenderAfter, addRenderBefore, config, getTagName, toString
Methods inherited from class wheel.components.Component
_getAction, _getActions, _getChildren, _getForm, _getRenderableChildren, _getRenderHints, _getTopLevelComponent, _getVisibleForm, _getXhtmlAttributes, _isGeneratedId, _setComponentId, _setGeneratedId, _wrapComponentId, a, a, abbr, abbr, acronym, acronym, action, actionBinding, actionBinding, add, addFirst, address, address, afterAdd, area, attribute, attributes, b, b, base, bdo, big, big, blockquote, br, button, caption, checkbox, checkboxGroup, cite, cite, clasS, col, colgroup, create, dateInput, dd, dd, del, del, dfn, dfn, div, dl, dt, dt, el, em, em, encode, entity, equals, eval, fieldset, fileInput, fileInput, find, findAll, form, form, frame, frameset, get, getComponentId, getComponentName, getComponents, getEngine, getPage, getParent, h1, h1, h2, h2, h3, h3, h4, h4, h5, h5, h6, h6, hashCode, head, hidden, hr, htmlText, i, i, id, iframe, img, ins, ins, kbd, kdb, label, label, legend, legend, li, li, link, link, map, message, message, meta, multiSelect, nbsp, noframes, noscript, numberInput, numberInput, object, ol, p, p, param, placeholder, pre, pre, q, q, radio, radioGroup, rawText, remove, remove, renderHint, requestFocus, s, s, samp, samp, script, select, selectModel, small, small, span, span, strike, strike, strong, strong, style, sub, sub, submit, sup, sup, table, tbody, td, text, textarea, textInput, tfoot, th, thead, title, tr, u, u, ul, up, up, var, var, wBlock, wrapSelf
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public java.lang.String defaultTagName()
Description copied from class: RenderableComponent
Subclasses must implement this. If no xhtml tagname can be resolved from rendering hints, will default to value returned by this method.

Specified by:
defaultTagName in class RenderableComponent


public void _setSubmitValue(java.lang.String[] value)
Description copied from class: FormElement
Sets the value retrieved from a form submit for this element. Calling this method also triggers a call to validate();

_setSubmitValue in class FormElement


public void renderComponent(org.xmlpull.v1.XmlSerializer serializer)
                     throws java.io.IOException
Description copied from class: RenderableComponent
Default implementation that will render all renderable child components that this component has. Subclasses should override this method if necessary.

renderComponent in class RenderableComponent


public java.lang.String _applyFormat(java.lang.Object value)
Description copied from class: Component
By overriding this method, its possible to apply some formatting to MVEL-evaluations in the eval() method.

_applyFormat in class Component
value - The result of an MVEL-evaluation.
A formattetd String based on the input Object.

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