Uses of Interface

Packages that use IEngine

Uses of IEngine in wheel

Classes in wheel that implement IEngine
 class AbstractEngine
          An abstract implementation of IEngine.
 class EngineImpl
          "main loop" for Wheel.
 class MultipartEngineImpl

Methods in wheel that return IEngine
static IEngine AbstractEngine.getCurrentServer()
          Returns the IEngine that is processing the request cycle.

Methods in wheel with parameters of type IEngine
static void AbstractEngine.setCurrentServer(IEngine engine)

Uses of IEngine in wheel.components

Methods in wheel.components that return IEngine
 IEngine Component.getEngine()
          Returns the IEngine instance that is serving this request-cycle.

Uses of IEngine in wheel.testing

Classes in wheel.testing that implement IEngine
 class MockEngine

Uses of IEngine in wheel.util

Constructors in wheel.util with parameters of type IEngine
WheelURL(java.lang.String path, java.util.Map parameters, IEngine engine)

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